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A member registered Nov 11, 2020 · View creator page →

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Sorry for late response, I've been working on my Sorrowself project and i forgot xD Thank you means a lot ;D Winning is always great, but building up the experience and getting closer with ftgd community is more rewarding! ;)) this was my first gamejam "ever" and it waaaas fuuun and stressful xDD Will do it again, and I hope next time my game wont be so buggy ;P

Thank youu!! ;D Yeah I noticed that after i published the game xDD

Thank youu, means a loooot! Yeah for some reason the sword didnt disappear from the back when attacking, but without the sword you cant break the boxes ;D

It was cool! I liked it ;D I think the characters are really funny xdd. The coin sound was a little bit too loud(sound was breaking) , but overall it was great!!

Thank you means a lot ;D I was in a hurry, so mechanics were buggy and etc, well you know... 48 hours ;D

Thank youuuu! :)

Wooooah thank youuu!!! xD 

Hmmm not sure why it didn't work, did you have mac or windows? Because i'm not sure if the mac build works xdd. Good that you liked the ending, bcs i was in a hurry and chose the first idea that got into my mind.

Thank you! xd

Thank you! Good point ;D

Thank youu! 

yeeah didnt have time to fully fix the enemy. Still need to learn state machines a bit more :) 

Sorry, Webgl broke my game, so had to do downloadable one. Small file size :)