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A member registered May 31, 2022

Recent community posts

Just finished and had a good time!

  • The last two levels are challenging enough to be satisfying although I do feel that the complexity of additional puzzles could ramp up significantly if you were to develop further
  • I like the characterisation inherent in the design and movement of the character - but it moves just slow enough to be annoying - especially in the hub
  • I wish I could move the character while 'charging' my throw, it was jarring that I could not
  • I wish the keys actually had locks to go into to complete the level or progress - they feel a bit out of place as is - it would be satisfying to see the character move out of the level to indicate progress rather than a fade to the hub
  • Further development of the hub could have a junction of these doorways to create a more complete feeling
  • I understand that the menu is just a placeholder but I would appreciate words in addition to symbols - you have the space for it and it would help my brain to avoid just clicking them all to see what they do

I really had fun and would definitely play many levels of this game if they ramped up enough to remain satisfying. Thanks!