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A member registered Apr 03, 2021 · View creator page →

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Thanks for the great suggestion!  I'll see if I can slot in some time for it :)

Thank you!

Thank you very much! I'm glad you enjoy it :) Cute picture!

Hey Forgiven,

If I understand correctly, you expected the music to fade-in, like it does in the YouTube video.

The music in the pack doesn't contain a fade-in, so that it can be looped properly when desired. 

If you would like the music to fade-in with volume instead, you can do this in the dedicated game engine that you work with or use free tools like Audacity to do so.

I hope that helps!

Thank you very much! That one is my favourite I made after Hero's Last Stance :)

Hey Forgiven,

Thank you for supporting us first of all! 

The YouTube video contains a 30 second snippet of each one of the tracks, but the full tracks themselves are longer.

Could you clarify what issue you are having in relation to the start of the tracks?

Thank you! More coming in the future, these take longer to make :)

Thank you!

Thank you very much! I'm glad you like it :)

Great idea! I'll take that into consideration for the future :)

Thank you very much! What a cute picture, I'm glad the spirit approves!

Thank you!

Thank you! I will definitely make more in the future, stay tuned!

Thank you very much as always! :) More definitely coming soon!

Long awaited! I took a week extra to make this one, hence no upload last week. I hope you enjoy!

Thank you for supporting!

Hello, the bundle doesn't include updates. But for 24h after the release of a new pack that we add to the bundle, you can claim it. You can read about it in the description of the bundle.

Thank you very much for all the support as always :) Awesome image! Maybe one day we can make some artwork together!

Thank you! This is one of the series I enjoy making the most so far!

Thank you very much! I'm glad you like it!

Thank you very much, I'm glad you like it! Very atmospheric picture :)

Thank you very much :) Thanks for the help on the artwork!

Thank you so much, I'm glad you like it! "You're on your own" is actually my favourite too, it was one of the first tracks I made in this pack. Love the artwork you shared!

Thank you very much! I based the track on the ambient exploration track that matches it. :)

Thank you very much, I'm glad you like the way I structured it!

Thank you :)

Thank you very much! I appreciate the support :)

Thank you! Lovely artwork :)

You're not wrong 🔊

Thank you very much!

Thank you :))

Bundle coming soon! :)

Thank you very much :)

Thank you very much!!

Thank you very much! I really appreciate it :)

Thank you so much!! I really like that one too, definitely one of my favourites :)