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A member registered Apr 03, 2021 · View creator page →

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Thank you!

Oh man... Time to listen to some of our cute music instead 😂

Thank you very much!

Me too! Great job :)

Thank you very much! :) Awesome picture!

Hahaha thank you!

Thank you!

Looks amazing!

Thank you!

More will definitely be coming! :)

Thank you so much!

Love it! I'll definitely check out the demo :)

Thank you so much for the support as always :) And awesome picture!

Thank you so much!

Hi, thank you for your message. There is no reason for concern, this seems to happen occasionally with downloaded rar files, especially on Windows 11 computers. If you want to make sure, you can always have the file checked before you open it. You can do so on VirusTotal, for instance. Hope that helps and thanks again for letting us know ✌️

Hey, thanks for supporting!

If you use Winrar, what's supposed to happen is that it unzips both parts at the same time, that's why when you open them they appear exactly the same. If you end up not being able to open any tracks, let me know and I'll split the parts in a different way.

I will take a look at the pack and if the vocal track is missing, I'll add it in. Thanks for letting me know!

Great work!

Great job, they look amazing!

Thank you!

Thank you so much! I'm glad you like it :)

Thank you so much as always :)

Thank you! More will be on the way!

Definitely more coming!

Hey there, thank you for supporting us!

Are you using WinRAR to extract the files? When you extract part1, it's supposed to extract both together as both files belong together (hence the names).

Please let me know if that works and if not, feel free to get in touch with me.

Thank you!

Thank you!

Thank you very much!!

Hey! Thank you for purchasing and supporting!

I understand the confusion. I use these two names interchangeably - however I am using the name PEGGU-SENSEI under all my game-related work. A change in the page layout is coming soon which will highlight this more clearly, also in case it ever changes. 

I hope that helps!

Thank you so much, I'm happy you like the music. I'll be sure to check your game out!

Thanks so much for the artwork, it turned out great!

Thank you!

Thank you very much!! :)

I'm really glad you enjoy the track! Great video, and if you end up using more of the music feel free to let us know!

Thank you!

Thank you very much :)

Thank you very much!

Hi, thanks for purchasing!

As we state in the description, we roulette between a variation of the series you mention every week. Not all series are included at any given time. This is why you are only able to access those packs which were included at the time of your purchase.

I hope that answers your question.

I'm glad you like it!

Thank you very much :)

Thank you very much :)