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A member registered Apr 28, 2020 · View creator page →

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If the download start and stop suddenly, maybe is your device because storage, but if it doesn't start maybe is the webpage problem.

Always following a little circle of updates. He will have another update on 0.36

It doesn't exist, I'm getting that on the next build

Si puedes, háblame por Discord o Twitter, aunque por Twitter tal vez no puedas con lo mal que va. Entra a mi servidor de Discord y habla

Estoy buscando a alguien que pueda traducir del español al inglés para poder centrarme más en escribir. Si quieres intentarlo, puedes.

I put the 0.31 files to those who want to pay and get it now. It's like a Patreon access. It will be public (free) in one month. Nothing new here, and maybe I'll stop doing that in the near updates

Mucha gente me ha dicho eso, pero no estoy seguro de que sea lo que quiero.

Ummm... You know that's the date of the post and update 0.23, right? We are at the 0.29. Please, go to the main page here

Which update do you see?

Obviously it's not finished. Who would think that?

We have, you can join through the main page of the VN, there you can join


Yeah, why? I can't understand, it was a short build. I hate this developer >:(

No tengo por seguro cuántos días tendrá, pero por ahora el mínimo son 27 días 

Tiger update will be next month for Patreons and 2 months in public

Yes, it will


No, next build will be Darius

The CG is not in this update, and Marcos' route is the one with the new day.

You have the changelog to know on the previous post.

There is no sprite for Manny. If you see an error dialogue, don't worry, it is because the image doesn't exist

It's the PC version

One month after

Para eso están las noticias de las actualizaciones que muestran los cambios en cada parche.

Como sea: Presodal actualizado 

Those backgrounds don't exist, so don't worry

Maybe in the future, but for now we are just with 5 routes

Maybe in the future

La siguiente actualización no es de Clarence, sino de Presodal, pero gracias por tu entusiasmo

Eeeeeh, what?!

For now only 5

I don't have a number of days, so I'm going to write each route until I have an end in mind

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Vale, mala mía. Este error se acaba de solucionar y podrás hacer esa decisión sin problema en la versión 0.27.

Gracias por compartirlo

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There is many things I want to add on this VN, that's one.

It will not be available on Steam because NSFW and is much trouble. For now, there is no thoughts of moving to Steam

Public Update is always a month of wait.
Example: Update 0.26.1 3rd of September. Public on 3rd of October

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You have to pay 3$ to get the 0.26.1 update, which is the Patreon one. In the future, you can download it in the future for free.

There is no background and sprite for those, so don't worry. It's just that we didn't made it. And the backgrounds and sprites is the same for all versions, so you don't need to say it,

Thanks for your comment.

That's weird. Maybe the device says that looks like a previous version and not like a new one. You can try uninstalling and installing the game.

Does it says something special when you try to download it?

I need to know which version you have. PC, MAC, Android?

Not gonna say a word :)

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I don't know. What do you think?