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A member registered Aug 21, 2019 · View creator page →

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thanks hammer-san glad you like it

next up please make Python in Python and then as a big challenge Rust in Rust

its good to be aware of your position in the ecosystem! at some point we might make the planet uninhabitable for ourselves and die out, but plants and algae will most likely survive. in time other oxygen eaters will take our place 🪳🪳🪳

i am one of the jammers yes

very good

oh no precision platforming my only weakness, i like the game, when i read the story i was curious why the plant fell from balcony but of course it was the freaking cat!!!

this is great, what a cinematic experience, i ended up shipping daisy and casey pretty hard, i hope they realise they were meant for each other

very cool i love comerade krolik in his little sweater, though obviously he is an anti-hero, as his allegiance should always be with the farmers and the working class

amazing what a flex that you’ve done all the assets, also how come nobody noticed in the jam comments that the music is set to the theme of “mary had a little lamb” that is horrible oversight on their part

yes thanks this is officially my first game that has ANY educational value, the rest of them are a load of baloney!!


woah nice, i don’t have photosensitive epilepsy but this game almost makes me feel like i do, this is eyestrain simulator. but i do love the concept even tho i can’t actually play it


this is perfect i love this man, i used him for a game jam game:

very good game these guys look so comfy in their little hole in the ground

i love this thing this is the game for the ages

this is a crazy good pack, i used one of the tracks in a dumb game jam game thank you

thanks again for making this very good asset, i used it to create a dumb game jam game

i won this is great i love my energy conserving pogo and the way it goes doing why can’t more games be like this

yaaay thanks

cute i really like the mechanics of baking the level as you go

i love the clusters and shading here, the characters look very rugged i want to kiss their dirty mugs :****

thanks glad you liked it, i will upload one post-jam build for this fixing some issues and giving an “ending” to the story, and then maybe a cooking update in the future

this was really good, it caught me off guard a bit… the story is absurd but also has an element to it that feels really real. kind of a weird emotion, like a christmas story in the hot desert dunes. szmiewski is cool i love that he begins every interaction by punching stuff i would like to have that level of self confidence too

i visited the good people of this town on this day and omnomnomnom!!!!!!!! this fulfilled my fantasy of seeing the world around me return to a homogeneus compost, thanks for that

this is TOO satisfying! when you get to 500 shokuyoku you know you’re cooked

very good fully unhinged

truly sublime, easily better than ulysses and wuthering heights the character of Johnson will forever remain in my heart

ive never played bejeweled but i feel like i’ve now experienced everything it has to offer

hmm this was not playable in browser last time i checked and i ended up not playing it, but now it is so… i feel like i have to play it?

this is very artful AND relatable

cool the first character came in and i thought they’re asking for apple juice or something cute like that but no it was vodka with milk and sugar. this aint no grade school bday party this an inn and we drink grown up juice here. very nice game good job desu

very cool concept, i like the little peeps coming in and out, couldn’t work up any popularity but my fault i guess for turning down so many requests. on the other hand if people dont want to be turned down maybe they should not be offering such trash rewards, so i blame it on society.

good game 10/10 from me

this made my head spin. finally a game i feel that is going to make more people come around and appreciate circles for what they are. so many people just kinda circle around circles and have no real appreciation for them. but circles could run circles around most of us. they make the world go round.

oh so they get absolute freedom of topic, that’s pretty much like a dream commission to get! thanks for responding this is very informative

how do you get all these insane artists to work on the covers for indiepocalypse? i mean i understand this is commissioned work but still how do you get their attention? some of the ppl who worked on these covers look both niche and really busy so im wondering

congratulations, 22 is a sufficiently elongated haroldpede

oh i see

yes i used a very complex algorithm to replicate 100% realistic cat behavior im glad it paid off

(1 edit)

thanks, the witch character appears as recruitable party member in my earlier game grindest days she likes beer a lot

and yeah its funny the grandma just sits there i never noticed while testing