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A member registered Aug 21, 2019 · View creator page →

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thanks a lot scumball-san, im a massive fan of surt their pixelart is legendary, if you wanna go down some more rabbit holes strewn with free assets check out BUTTERHANDS, ansimuz, ghostpixxells, finalbossblues, Screaming Brain Studios and PiiiXL

also your nick has a strong aura to it, dont let it go to waste and make something cool

finally some good quality plantas brasileiras!!

delicious, chefs kiss

is this a custom tileset for the game? these are some of the tastiest 8x8 tiles i have seen

yes about 4700314734747378282 times, but never managed to finish a playable game

this is an absolute banger, i loved getting a sloppy kiss from the wrench grandma and fetching all of the plastic children, also the music was great especially loved the ‘peaceful theme’ by that pebonius person 💚💚💚

damn this fking rocks looks so good hhhhhnnnnngggggg

tuned the fcuk in for that next game

people still havent realized the error of their ways, nightshifterz should be nominated for best game award its a cult classic

woaaaoooooh! thank you for this!

oh yeah new prints!!! i was worried these might not go up on itch

i think its actually the only “palette” tag on here. these icons are great, love the staff and armor

if this is using the endesga32 palette, you could add the tag for it, so people can easier find your work! haaa how the tables have turned! ;D

not sure how i havent seen this before but this is really good

amazing variety i love this

this is a mess but in a good way, 10stars likely to recommend to friends and family

this is very chill reminds me of all the times i was dropkicking flies in preparation for winter

ah yeah thats a great free tileset thanks!

that dejected kid… look more excited im cooking for you!!

cool game

nice pixelart, where is it from?

this rocks, the ribbon takes the cake tho

oh nice, a linux build? adding this to the backlog, it looks real good

so cool

also maybe if we want to make this a thing, its a good moment to take this off of the publicly available thread… my email is pebonius at gmail dot com, you can hit me up there, i started working on some logic and rules for this already so we can exchange some ideas

i think maybe ill start noting down some general ideas for themes and then post them here. you can also post some, and then we can decide on an interesting theme. it would be nice for it to not be too generic. something that will allow for a broad range of tiles, but at the same time wont just be another dungeon tileset with orcs and elves (haha)

maybe to give people inspiration and a better theme to follow, we could make a short “backstory” behind the tileset, and they could then expand on that theme

that would be more specific than just “sci-fi” or “steampunk”

i also thought it would be good to first select the restrictions, and then create e.g. the first 10-20 tiles of the tileset

we could then tag other people, show whats already created and ask if they would like to contribute to it. i think there is a bigger chance someome might want go do it if its done this way

also we can then ask the people who join if they want to tag other artists they know to make something

(1 edit)

for sure, i would love to contribute some tiles for something like this

the reason i think it would be cool for it to not be too restrictive in terms of quality and style is i think part of collective effort like this is that it can go beyond the mainstream notion of “quality” and “how good something is” and be more about the freedom of creating something and performing things together

so if you are too restrictive and say “this is ok, this is not ok” people might loose the enjoyment of it. but by using the same tile size and palette the tiles will in some ways match, and i think that would make a really interesting tileset

with that people could make games that are focused more on having diverse content, and not just pretty tiles

i got an idea the other day for something kind of like a jam but not really, i thought you might like it.

i thought it would be cool to make a collaboration with other people, to make a big eclectic tileset that would be licensed cc0. we would choose a topic, palette and size, eg.

“sci-fi top down rpg, endesga32, 24x24px”

and within that everyone contribute h some tiles for the tileset, whatever they like as long as they keep with the limitations

the goal would be to make a big ecclectic quantity-over-quality tileset thats 100% free to use and expand. what do you think?

anyhow i think this is super important to try to learn how to let go of stuff you cant finish and not regret leaving it. also important to try to learn to give yourself breaks without feelong like you’re being “lazy”.

this is better than trying to finish everything and work constantly bc then you burn yourself out and might end up giving up on something you like doing for that reason

yeah i get it, i am usually the same way

if i start working on something i usually have to finish it quickly, otherwise i get bored and probably wont finish it. i have some asset packs i started a while ago and i probably wont finish them

i think thats fine

it was the same for me when i was doing games or art before that. when i finish something quickly and release it, i feel ok not doing that for a while. when i cant finish it quickly i leave it and move on. i might use it for something else later, or i might never use it.

nice, love the unique style and also how stretchy the faces are

hey its cool you made something for the lospec jam even though you didnt submit it. i didnt take part for the same reasons that you brought up earlier, but i do think the palette wasnt bad. i saw some of the games submitted to the jam. i think with a palette like this it would be nice if someone made a retro style rpg, though it might not be enough time

also cool you made a platformer pack, im still thinking of making one. i have some ideas but i havent started it yet. maybe im kind of anxious of starting it.

ah this is pretty cool!

i love the style, very unique

added some treasures, thanks for the idea!!

these are words of truth, i think some shiny treasures and basic items would be nice!

banger pack i love this

oh yeah! thanks a lot!

hi yes this is db-32, thanks for commenting, have a flower 🌷