thanks hammer-san glad you like it
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this is perfect i love this man, i used him for a game jam game:
this is a crazy good pack, i used one of the tracks in a dumb game jam game thank you
thanks again for making this very good asset, i used it to create a dumb game jam game
this was really good, it caught me off guard a bit… the story is absurd but also has an element to it that feels really real. kind of a weird emotion, like a christmas story in the hot desert dunes. szmiewski is cool i love that he begins every interaction by punching stuff i would like to have that level of self confidence too
very cool concept, i like the little peeps coming in and out, couldn’t work up any popularity but my fault i guess for turning down so many requests. on the other hand if people dont want to be turned down maybe they should not be offering such trash rewards, so i blame it on society.
good game 10/10 from me
this made my head spin. finally a game i feel that is going to make more people come around and appreciate circles for what they are. so many people just kinda circle around circles and have no real appreciation for them. but circles could run circles around most of us. they make the world go round.
thanks, the witch character appears as recruitable party member in my earlier game grindest days she likes beer a lot
and yeah its funny the grandma just sits there i never noticed while testing