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A member registered 38 days ago

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(1 edit)

I love some more storyline with Crystalblaze鈥檚 kits. I would love something like her giving up her kits to the clan, and making the clan believe the kits are whoever your playing as mates. If you play as a male you and her mate could visit together and say the kits are yours mates. (This may not make sense, but i just love Crystalblaze and I think she needs more storyline)

Yes, I play on mobile bc I need to get a new laptop 馃様

The game keeps restarting randomly and it鈥檚 getting annoying, I鈥檓 sick of going over the same thing too frequently 

thanks! I just realised that an hour after I wrote that comment…

thanks! I just realised that an hour after I wrote that comment…

I can鈥檛 walk when playing on my iPad or my iPhone. Simone save me I鈥檝e been standing still for ages…