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A member registered Nov 12, 2021 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

So I played through the whole game. I only found 14/20 of the magazine collectable's. And I searched pretty hard. I would try making them a bit less difficult to find. 

All in all its a good game, the platforming and movement feel really good.  I see you said in comments you plan for update/patch soon. Do you plan to add any more content to the game or just fixes? Not that is not enough content for the $6. I just enjoyed it and would love to see maybe new stages or even an online leaderboard .

Also really enjoyed this stage, my favorite level in the game by far.

Really cool platformer, would love to see this game when complete. when enemies are added in and final level design this will be really fun.

This updates a lot better , I  enjoyed. Just need polishing and more content. Also hard to figure out the controls .

Pretty good you should make more of these , and happy you added for mobile