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A member registered Dec 14, 2015 · View creator page →

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I appreciate the reply :) It's still in development, I just hit a lot of snags. This version I'm just leaving as-is since I did it for a game jam, but I'll definitely have saves in the full version.

Oh very nice, off the top of my head (without checking in game) I think the timing between 4 and 5 would be really tight there. You definitely put in time to that complex of a combo going lol.

33 runs, what a unique game :)

Love how you keep exploring idle-map game ideas. Achievements as progression per run is something I haven't seen before. At first I thought it was just a matter of grinding out the first nodes back and forth, but once I realized the upgrades all multiplied off each other, some strategy formed where I tried to push for as much breadth of upgrades as possible. Obviously since there was no time pressure you didn't actually need to optimize, but there's still an interesting design nugget there.

What's cool is that there's a ton of directions to take the game in. Not all jam games show that kind of potential. Simply adding a variety of achievements will get the players to figure out unusual routes to get the upgrades they need. A bit of route puzzle solving basically.

Great entry!

That is likely since I didn't put the game on mobile yet.

Thanks for playing!

Sorry, the game doesn't have a save system implemented.

Thanks so much :)

I appreciate it - it's a short experience so hopefully you got through most of it by then.

Glad you picked up on it!

Thanks for playing :)

Just hopes and dream~

Nice attitude even in the face of the reset :)

lol, it's the ultimate player fantasy.

That's right - it's a bit of a trap especially if people aren't familiar with prestige mechanics.

Sorry, I don't plan to update this version anymore!

Working on it, thanks for playing!

More pro gamin

Pro gamin

I can't outpace them, they're too fast!

That sounds like a tricky one tbh since cloud kick doesn't go that high. My guess is you'll do Blade Drop > walk back > Cloud Kick (hit with tip) > maybe microwalk back > Dunk. That's off the top of my head but I did try to make sure every combo was possible. Good luck and thanks for playing!

Thanks, really appreciate it :)

lol ty

I appreciate the feedback :) Yea, the game was sorta meant to be finished in one sitting since there's not a ton of content so unfortunately that was left out.

You got it!

Phew I actually thought you were gonna say it was taking too long but was relieved it was a very positive comment haha. Thanks I really appreciate the support and I'm definitely trying to get it out.

Thanks, I appreciate it :)

Thanks! That's definitely true - fighting games are not the same without your hadokens and shoryukens being shouted out all the time.

Yep, still tinkering with things and shooting for more. Might be a bit!

It's good to let your CPU just crunch on numbers for a while. Great exercise.

Thanks for playing :)

I'm not really sure tbh, I'm just kinda heads down on it but can let you know when I do figure it out.

It is, it's been a while but I'm still truckin'!

I'm not even sure how long it takes to save up that much.

Not bad, that's quite fast!

That's all fair, the current design falls apart when it's extended to more content and I'll be addressing that. Thanks for the inputs!

No sorry, the game was intended to just be played and finished in 1 session. The average finish time is generally an hr (with lots of AFKing), or can be finished in 20 mins or so with very active play.

This one is the latest, public version of the game.

I'm keeping it under wraps for now, but I've gotten a lot of great suggestions from people over time.

That's the most enjoyable part of the game design and yet I haven't been able to spend too much time on it yet! Similar to character designs in other games, it has to wait a bit until the core is finished. I do have a bunch in mind, and the goal is of course to make them as varied as possible.

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