i suggest you continue with this, its a genuinely good idea. one thing that comes to my mind is that you could create levels, where the goals are already set and you cant move them. your task is then to figure out a drawing that would make the ball hit them in the correct sequence
hey m8 this is a really gr8 hard game. but how about adding a death counter, so that in the unlikely event of me ever completing the game, I would get smacked across the face by the fact that it only took me 8000 tries?
Thanks dude, it was a simple game that i attempted to make and also actually publish onto the internet. It means a lot that someone played it and commented on it. Thanks, hope you have a nice day!
Am currently working on a co-op game and needed inspiration. Found this game.
I like the concept of the two players meeting in the middle - how there's that wall between them and both approach it, until it fades away. Makes for a more interesting visual style than just the static bonus level.