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A member registered Jan 07, 2023 · View creator page →

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When is the mobile update🥺

Dev.when is the update of android version?

After 0.7.2 pls make an update on Android

I think I want some creampie in update though

Yeah I agree 👍 to make his work easier

Same bro but be patient 💪

Haaha same bro but I'm not too lustful I still wait for an update and get fun😏

Edit:my grammar was so bad I hope you understand 😮‍💨☺️

I love your creactions..but I can't play cause I'm in mobile so I will wait until you release the update in mobile☺️

I can't wait for android ❤️

Yo the update still waiting for mobile

I love the animation it's so smooth and the artstyle it's perfect I wish there was a version on Android

I'm excited for an update add more animation like mating press or add some monster/insect

Waiting☺️...don't forget about mobile update

Always waiting patiently 🤗☺️❤️