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A member registered Oct 27, 2017 · View creator page →

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Love the graphics & controls <3 didn't quite get how i score points though.

Love it! Especially robin's turning animation! Every time the cats caught me I heard an anouncer say "busted" :´D Also good job implementing realtime dynamic vision cones :)

Don't understand how to interact :<

Nice :) I think the algorithm is always giving me a solvable set of ghosts? Wholesome game :) Nice music too!

Interesting! Liked that I learned to live in harmony with the environment or cause terra quakes and fealt I was getting better (did 5 tries). Game was a bit too hard for me in the end though :D

Very cozy experience :) Got some dinos to harvest resources for me & liked expanding the map & exploring! Didn't understand that I had to expand the map w/ space at first though.

Love it! Interessante Gegenstände, eingängige Mechanik, ich hatte genau dann gewonnen, als es sich richtig angefühlt hat.

Super interpretation des Themas :)

Cool idea! Love the way the game gets more difficult because there is too much ammo to pick up.

Nice. Well executed! Love the music & the overall aesthetic! It was short but a fun experience :) Nice story!

Very cool! Great concept & realization!

Hey hey, you developed this game for Franken Game Jam 2022, right? Do you still want to submit?

Love the idea & the artstyle. Unfortunately the camera kept breaking for me :/

Cool idea! Took me a second to understand that I could hammer the golems :D Nice art too!

Nice ^_^ reminds me of "I wanna be the guy" (although a little less devlish)

Hey hey, your game throws a warning when trying to download it! It seems to have gotten flagged as malicious software :(

Nice :D Lost 2x vs myself

Sooooo happy for you ^.^

Amazing :) Really cool effort you're making for your game post-launch!

Okay! Thanks :) Im gonna try to tweak it a bit

What didn't you like about the controls precisely?  Would love to improve it for PC :)

Ohh! Cool that you decided to release this one :) Still love the mood ^_^

Awesome insight! 

Thank you ^_^ Slow and steady wins the race :)

Wow! This is a cool bit of games engineering ;)

That's an evil Furtle O_O. Nice gameplay idea, having different elements which influcence the two animals you are controlling differently!

Adorable graphics! Managed to get 1800 :D

Wow this is such a heartwarming game! Love it :) The aesthetic, the relaxing gameplay, everything :)

Cool idea^^. I needed to get a tip to realize you should stand on the toilet paper xD

After swapping the camera very quickly, there was a bug where it only rendered gray. But using your own engine is very impressive!

Fun game! Good collision logic and control parameters! Liked the aesthetic, too!

Nice idea & art! I had some issues with the controls (jumping seemed to be a bit imprecise) and I didn't manage to figure out the puzzle :D

I like how your mechanics transport the message that acting early in a pandemic (and isolating cases) is in fact the most effective! Relevant to the topic and current state of the world!

Impressive! If you add some more supporting mechanics I could easily see this becoming a released game!

Helping the world gives a meaing in life :) 

The balancing seems good! Unfortunately, I didn't have the time to really learn all options but cool idea, designing a jrpg bossfight.

Hey Iris! Glad you liked it! You can't eat at the camfire that is a fix we will be shipping after the ratings are done :) You can eat in the overworld though by dragging food onto your avatar.

(1 edit)

Social stat is still very much work in progress^^ But yeah! Thanks for the feedback!

This game looks great and plays nicely! Awesome job! 

Cute penguins & nice ice-respawn animations! Had fun keeping my herd together.

Spreading some love is always good! Especially in these times :D

Awesome cause! Claps for the music :)