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A member registered Dec 06, 2016

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How about... Humvees?

I got some ideas for the game! hope these features come very soon..

1. Standby - a feature that should make your troops or the enemies to standby/remain in their place. ( Good for making a roleplay like defend or ambush roleplay).

2. Health Indicator - a feature that when you look at your allies you see their remaining health.

3. More Locations - add some new locations like Swamp Land where the walking speed is decreased, Towns where theres already soldiers and your just gonna raid them.

4. Vikings - a unit that carry deadly axe and round shield, should have alot of health that acts like though defense.

5. Monsters - the game should have monsters too! like Huge bugs and Spiders, minotaurs and undead horsemens like those

I run out of ideas....seriously?!! :v i will post more in the future.... even though those feature are kinda hard to code or add.. ill wait for them... if theyre not added, its ok.. maybe theyre not really suited for the game. :D


omg!! first person mode??!! that would be a cool perspective for the game itself!! :D

Very hyped for the full release!!!