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A member registered Aug 19, 2023

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Haha, thank you so much for the feedback.

I enjoyed the game's personality with the music and art style, though I found that the balls as the weapon wasn't the most fun mechanic when I don't know where they are going to spawn at. 

I really liked the graphics but the gameplay was not as enjoyable. Smoothing out the physics would be a big improvement. Good job on the submission!

Amazing game! Very creative use of the cursor! I really enjoyed the art style and gameplay! 

Very funny and chaotic gameplay. Reminds me of goat simulator a little bit. Good job!

I enjoyed the art and the size-switching mechanic. Maybe you could add some sort of score system? Overall good job!

This was a fun little game with nice graphics and movement. I don't really see the "build weapons" part as it seemed like the gun wasn't really being built more. Overall fun.

Thank you!

Thank you! I appreciate the feedback.

I agree with the visibility. The area to click on the people should be even a square around the character, which should be easy to click if you are in full screen. The tab suggestion is interesting, though I don't know how well it would work in the later levels with more than 2 people. I'm glad you enjoyed the game!

The way the switching ground mechanic is implemented is great! The normal and ground and background were very similar in color so it took a while for me to decipher them. Building on levels and adding a restart button would be a great next step! Great job!

(1 edit)

I enjoyed the scaling aspect of this puzzle game and its steady increase curve. I liked the subtle game juice with the effects, Nice job!

Very neat interpretation of the theme. Cute art too. The project has a couple of bugs and I kept crashing on the second level with the whale but overall pretty good for your first-ever game.

Could you give some details as to your problem with the game not advancing in levels? Did you make sure that the bus was balanced before you moved a person to the door?

Great game! Some feedback from my experience: at first I didn't realize that it wasn't timed and was just repairing one thing at a time. I didn't realize that the money scaled with the amount that you repaired until a couple minutes in. Overall great for a game jam! Great feel and great mechanics. Good job!