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A member registered Dec 20, 2021 · View creator page →

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Thank you man!

hi! Thank you! But this bug in how to play is a bug from when I converted the file into html, just press f5.

Thank you man! I appreciate your feedback.

Hey! I fixed this issue on a small and quick update, you can see it here: Thank you for the feedback.

Hey! I fixed this issue on a small and quick update, you can see it here: Thank you for the feedback.

Thank you man!

I'll fix this later, but thanks for giving your feedback

Thank you! About the directions, I will consider this.

😉 consider checking my game as well hahaha

Thank you man! I really appreciate your feedback.

Thank you man! Easy? I know that I haven't made anything particularly hard but from the playtest's feedback that I got, the game didn't seemed so easy, but instead, quick. But I'm glad you had a good time playing it.

It looks cool but isn't working on the mobile, I can't play it...

Hey man! I really enjoyed your game although I had some issues with controls, they were a bit 'wacky'... maybe the left side for movement would be great, but after getting used with the gameplay, the game felt really good. Congrats! I'm amazed by what you did with only 3 days.

Thank you man! 

Thank you man! I liked your game as well! 

Thank you man!

And about the "How to play"thing... after double checking both the game code and in-game here on the page i haven't found anything about it and I didn't saw this, pretty sure it's a bug from html conversion, it happens mostly when it's the first time on the game, consider pressing F5 to restart the game, most part of the times it solves the issues, but I will continue to investigate it, thank you for letting me know about that. 

So, after double checking both the game code and in-game here on the page i haven't found anything about it and I didn't saw this, pretty sure it's a bug from html conversion, it happens mostly when it's the first time on the game, consider pressing F5 to restart the game, most part of the times it solves the issues, but I will continue to investigate it, thank you for letting me know about that.

actually, I had a long time discussing ideas with my team about that, but we kept this because it wasn't really the most solid and efficient way to earn points, and about the shot, I understand you but it was because we didn't had the animations for the player facing those directions... But thanks man! I appreciate your critique.

muito obrigado, mano, de vdd

Thank you man! I will play your game later this day! I didn't did that already because I have a plenty of things to do today hahahaha 

Hey man!! Your game is incredible!!!! I loved your idea and the overall aesthetic and feeling of the game. Only issue I had was that the in-game music wouldn't start to play when the game begins, but idk if that's intentional or not.

It was this way because i didn't had the animations of the character facing up kr down ahahahaha. Thanks man!

Oh, thank you so much! If you liked then rate it when the rating opens! Played your game as well, pretty interesting! You made it all by yourself?

Thank you man! Yeah we are!! Are you as well? Keep an eye on becausa i got some bugs involving saves so I'll update the game real quick and all the highscores will be zeroed again, but nothing big, just a small fix...

Hey! Just used it for ScoreSpaceJam #18! (I gave the credits and its totally free) please, consider checking it later: