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A member registered Nov 03, 2019 · View creator page →

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Wow, lots of fun! I enjoyed the platforming mechanics a lot, they felt pretty good, especially for a jam game (platformers are notoriously difficult to get good game "feel" during the time constraints of a game jam).

Nice work, fellow cat counter! Had a good time with this one :D.

Truly adorable. Love the ending. :3

Thanks! I wish I’d had more time to finish some of the  actual gameplay mechanics I envisioned, like patches of darkness where the cats are mostly invisible but their eyes, and candles you can place around that run out over time to push said darkness back, and furniture you can open and move around and….

Yeah.  Getting sick midjam sucks.

Nice! Yeah, the post submission updates were only allowed to address gameblocking bugs and issues.

Agreed. Unfortunately control cards (frankly more varied cards in general) and reduction of RNG by having an actual deck that draws, discards, and shuffles, were unfortunate victims of the game jam time limit.

Wow that was great fun! Been a long time since I've played a point-and-click adventure game. I spent a *while* working out the different endings, I got to three of them!

Oof, I think the camera humping through the esophagus actually made me motion sick. Though I bet the excellent squishing sounds and the truly disgusting environment design helped! Very cool. Now I gotta lie down.

The underwater soundscape is so creepy, great work there! Sailing around is pretty cool too, though I did almost get stuck on the last buoy! (skill issue on my end, I'm sure)

This game makes me wish that "fun" was a category rating, because this was a blast! Felt really good to get those upgrades.

Nice, the jumpscare got me good! Creepy intro too. Very detailed level and environment designs!

Man, Supervisor Ted looks like HR needs to chat with him! Yikes! Major creep vibes. Very cool.

The fixed camera angles give the horror vibes, the controls give the "I'm a shambling undead" game-feel, and the stomping on rats gives the fun. The bridge in particular gave me some "Shadow Temple" from Ocarina of Time vibes! Great entry!

Firing the blast out felt really good. The screenshake, the knockback, the sound, perfect. I always wanted more energy!  Couldn't figure out how to get through the heart door though :(.

Very cool ship-sway effect, I almost started getting seasick. That's realism!

Really cool concept, drawing runes on the walls is a fun take on the "drawing spells" concept with a horror twist. Didn't expect to need to remember the runes for each monster because in the tutorial they showed up in the top left, so after I found them in the first level I had forgotten them and had to feed myself to the knight >.<.

Three great jumpscares, excellent atmosphere, and a truly terrifying final segment. Just wow. So good.