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A member registered 82 days ago

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Love how the game was framed with choices often naturally appearing through out the text. The mystery kept me playing and was written very well but the ending about forgetting that I signed up for an experiment felt a little out of place since the rest of the story felt so engaging. I don't think the fact that it was an experiment or amnesia was off putting but rather the bases for joining an experiment with as broad of a end goal as putting you through some sort of life changing experience make me wonder what sort of person I was and why they would have joined such an odd experiment. Could be interesting to add more odd hints to a possible past or a moment where I feel a disconnect with the person I'm playing as for another possible piece of tension that narratively links back to the ending.

Absolutely lovely, cute, and a little sadistic! Each ending has the possibility for happiness which sometimes was a decision to reframe my feelings. Very satisfying and funny. It would be interesting if the very first decision to wait for a bit could eventually end in a different outcome but it's very honest in the fact that it stays recursive forever.