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parker hamilton

A member registered Nov 14, 2016 · View creator page →

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this was so so good, the visuals and audio and writing style are great, and i was very invested in the tension built up until the end, so emotional!

this reminds me of back in 5th grade there being tornados across the midwest. stayed home from school for two weeks because the power was out. skies were gray the whole day. when sunset came, it felt different. the shapes were the same, but the darkness was foreign. thanks for the memories!!!

the way you crafted each room?? amazing -- the few inputs that brought me to the next dream scape right as i was looking where to go, so good

wow this game is amazing - when i saw it looped i flipped, that was so rad! awesome awesome game 

I loved every second of this playthrough - the art was stunning, everything just flows and fits so well together - you have created something that is unique in its tone and atmosphere, and the different objects withing this game are effortlessly combined. Well done, Thorne!