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A member registered Jun 19, 2020 · View creator page →

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I am planning to continue it! Just been hit with some irl business, but I’m currently in the process of remaking all the sprites and redoing the code so it doesn’t cause certain crashes and GUI issues.

(Also I wanna make the controls not completely demented)

Thanks! These bugs have been pointed out to me actually, I’ve realised a bunch of things I could do better on a rerun, so I’m currently in the process of re-coding everything more cleanly and efficiently!

(I’ll even add nicer less awful controls!)

I hope to drop an update in the next week or so with all the revised systems and such!

(Here’s to hoping I can figure out how to give NPCs quality pathfinding and random wandering :3)

Very unlikely, unfortunately I'm not sure how I'd even do that (If I figure out an easy way then I would tho)

Thank-youuuu!!!!𖥔 ࣪ ᥫ᭡ꗃ⋆࣪.

I'm currently planning to rework all the major assets from the ground up to be more efficient, purge potential bugs and generally make everything cleaner! This will probably mean no daily updates for a few days as I rework everything (But hopefully I should be able to resolve all the bugs and open up potential for some neat mechanics)

(And also have nicer controls... ( 〃..))

Thanks Sharkmom and Sharky, (I think) I fixed the problem (Turns out it was a resolution issue! Where the GUI Didn't sync with... much of anything other than 1920x1080!)

I've tested it using 920x560 and 3840x2160, so it should work? Gimme another heads up if it doesn't please! :3

(Also CV's my favourite personally so uhm... hehehehe)

I do plan to go to Ekas, I just want to make sure things work a bit more first! For example: The dialogue, which I hope now works :)