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A member registered Jan 27, 2021

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I love the implementation of music! The artwork looks wonderful and the story is interesting and engaging. I think just the image formatting was throwing me off a tad bit but I run into the same issue all the time so no worries. I hope you continue building on this, I can't wait to see me more! 

The camera is a bit difficult to work with but I used one hand on the mousepad and the other on the arrow keys and it was fine. Made the dude go on a little jog around the map, lol. I commend you for taking on 3D, this looks really good so far!

Really cute game! I didn't get to play all of it (not ashamed to say it's because I kept losing) but I like the mechanics you implemented. I originally thought the character sliding was a bug or something but actually works really well when you're jumping around trying to get up the platforms! Kinda stressful, but that's totally a good thing haha. 

I also really like the art and the fact that you added background music! Well done :)

Same here :( 

Nice! I like that you added the room image as a background. It's interesting what you did with the player appearing in a random room, I hope we get to find out why they're there by the end! Overall, its engaging and fun! Can't wait to play the finished game.

Wow, that was awesome!! I want to take more time and explore all of the paths because when I got to the ravine, there was no one there. So i'm assuming I have to choose different paths to find the person there. The music really added to the whole lonely and post apocalyptic vibe of the story, I really enjoyed it! My fuel was also stressing me out when I didn't find anyone at the ravine so good thinking on that because it forces you to find more fuel.  

Nice! Really descriptive and interesting paths you can take. I had a feeling being French would not be favorable to a proud Englishman haha. Can't wait to play the full version!

Nice world building and backgrounds! I had a lot of fun trying to solve the riddles, they made me want to keep going back to figure them out. Definitely kept be engaged. Wonderful job! 

Nicely done!! I was living my dream of having a cat but got evicted and sent back home. It was nice while it lasted. 

I also think that a money counter would have been awesome to help keep track. Overall, it was really engaging and well thought out! 

I love the audio you added! The falling blocks were great. Also, "Punch her in the throat", what a twist lmao! Kids are so mean, I am a very satisfied preschooler in time out. 

DOOT we love him, he seems like a fun guy! I need more dramatic memery, that image was great 

Ohh i wanna know where i end up!! Give us moreee