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A member registered Feb 06, 2024

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(1 edit)

tips to dodge attacks for people who have suck at undertale fangames (or rusty like me):
phase 1:

bone barrage:
as soon as jump and land behind the second bone, then after that go left a little bit, then do a high jump... oh yea and then do another high jump immediately because of odie
jon's pipe:
pretty much the only thing you gotta know is to stay on the right side
and before you say it, when garfield smokes, you just move back and forth since the smoke goes down when you're under it

mouse blaster..... thing:

odie kick:
safest part is at the bottom left corner, that's all i gotta say

safest place is at the bottom, when the burger opens go straight through the center, then go back at the bottom

phase 1.5:
pretty much just cycles between 2 attacks till garfield is fully healed, so you gotta memorize them

phase 2:
like 1.5, cycles between attacks, and you have to memorize them too

edit: unrelated but after tons of attempts (luck was not on my side for a bit), I'VE FINALLY DONE THE PRAY ONLY CHALLENGE