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hey irish john i mad a cool game for the jern jam 3 but this nigth i was packeging it and it whre 7340 shaders or somthing like that and i have school tommorow but only 2 hours can i hand it in tommorow this was my first tim packaging a project so i did not know it would take this long
its currently 23:28 in my country btw i realy also worked on it real hard if i cannot hand it in i will still publish it but not on the jam i think because that is not possible
its a fast paced movement fps and my second game in unreal and the first one i wanted to publish
very cool game first of al i love the art and the shop but i want to give afew tips you dont have to listen to them if you dont want to but i am still going to give them i think if you make the man move a liltle bit faster i would feel a lot better and just add some variation like a special round or a boss figth
but even without that it is still an awsome game