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A member registered Jan 23, 2023 · View creator page →

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Three words to describe how I feel about this game; LOVE IT SM. The premise of the game is very fun and I love the art style and ambient style of everything. Ok, let's not rush and start slowly. First off, the impressive introduction and amount of plot given to us in the very beginning are quite amazing and so cool. The immediate drama of a wedding being called off, a woman's head being sliced, and a whole-ass battle fantasy sequence popping off like it's SUCH A GOOD START ALREADY?!? Not to mention it hasn't even been the very start yet and we're already thrown into another plot where we have not one - but TWO main characters albeit the other is in a coma but wtv. 

Since I chose the male option of the characters (he was hot so stop), it was pretty cool to see how scrumptious he looked. Matter-of-fact, everyone looks so hawt, pretty, and slay in this entire demo. The extra comic panels of witchery and stuff are so amazing it astounds me how it was even a demo. The entire concept of the fantasy school hasn't been widely discussed yet but it's still a demo so there must be more to it. The whole Ivar and 4 grand witches is a good way of lengthening the plot and duration for us to not only learn more about the world but also start dating one of the 4 dudes. I love their little interactions and various side quests to do like freaking finding a cat. It adds a sense of enjoyment and fun to the serious "find out what's going on" main plot. 

Onto the characters themselves, they aren't widely known in detail yet cuz, duh, still a demo but I kind of get the baseline of their whole personality trope and thing. Fia is the supportive, bad bitch, yet potty-mouthed sister that's just a girl boss. Thane is the chill, cool, and maybe shy vampire dude that's taking a liking to our protagonist's blood which can be a hint to future plot twists. Arshem is our ex-boyfriend, idk how that happened tbh, he's probably an asshole, an A+ student, and a cunning guy which is why I like and hate him because he's just hmm something about his character questions me. Lyall...hmmm, we haven't really talked with him but I sure am loving the character he has going as Ivar's son that was birthed from his sperm donation. Thank god he didn't turn into one of those flower-head people because I know it looks pretty but we would have never seen his puppy face. AND Quill, our supposed bestie who's teased to be a bottom, very quirky, and mischievous. And since he was teased to have a somewhat dark secret about having been the actual one to knock out the original Palmier and also knocking out our human Palmier because idk, probs are revealed in the actual game BUT STILL, I love him and his queerness. 

Overall, I can't wait for the actual game to be released because I am sure as hell playing it. The demo is very cool and achieves the goal of enticing people to play the actual game and serves us nothing but top-tier content that makes us want more later on. SAVE THIS GAME IN YALL'S COLLECTION AND STAN THE PALMIER TWINS!! <33 Oh and this deserves an INFINITY/10