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A member registered Feb 20, 2023

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my favorite trend is Nintendo not making another Rhythm Heaven game so people made some themselves. Massive W

That's what happens if you leave your AC village for a long period of time

I love this silly game 

Yes please! Looking forward to it

This almost looks official. The flair and aesthetics are a 100% on point but lawdy those screen effects are intense

My result is see you in 39 years... So confusing

The only problem with those fangames is that they never control right, it always feels clunky and weird. 

like Mario's run feels like roblox, I hated the grass texture, turning in circles looks unnatural, the water physics, the geometry, the camera needs to be pulled back a bit it's too close to Mario.

it’s crazy how the og one was made in the 90’s and this one was made with modern day technology and somehow the older one looks better.