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A member registered Jul 01, 2020 · View creator page →

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This demo was poorly made that i agree with. It was made a long time ago, but now there's better ways to do a demo with a game but unfortunately i haven't made a new demo yet, as I'm not a Game Developer. I would disregard this demo as i no longer promote it for testing.

you don’t need to launch DualSenseX, you just need to open the game only. It will auto open DualSenseX in the background silently. Then it should work normally. Make sure emulation is set to Xbox360

Please see this video for a solution for this issue!

Made by @ShakeCan 

hello, unfortunately I’m away from my main PC as I’m on vacation, but when I do come back I’ll definitely get rid of any VR related stuff. I didn’t think that had an effect as this was just a template 

Thank you very much, I appreciate those kind words, stay tuned for more features to be added!

Hello, can you join my discord server for DualSenseX, an app i have created to emulate xbox and ds4 emulation, would like to see if its possible to implament what you did into my app to achieve haptic feedback!



you can tag me @paliverse in discord! Thanks!