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Palimpsest Zine

A member registered 84 days ago · View creator page →

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Hello—glad to hear you're interested in printing this out!

Large format printer: I would suggest printing the zine as double-sided spreads on 11x17 paper, then trimming them down to the correct size (12x9). As for the arrangement of pages, this depends on how you will be binding and how many signatures (groupings of pages) you will use.

Is the large format printer connected to a print shop? They can help arrange the pages for you. If not, let me know how many signatures you'd like, and I'll see what I can do.

8.5x11 printer: I suggest printing double-sided 8.5x11 pages, then trim them down to the correct size (6x9). Then you can bind using single sheet binding methods, such as the ones listed here.

Hope that was helpful! I'll be happy to answer any additional questions.