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A member registered Dec 28, 2016 · View creator page →

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Looks great! Do you plan to add 1351 support for future versions?

Oh, hey, I just downloaded the manual and saw that I needed to stand to the right of it. I hurried back to my post to try and delete it so as not to trouble you, but I was too late! Great game though! I'm having a blast and I'm loving the attention to detail here. How many hours would you say went into it?

Hello, Sarah, excellent game! Possible bug and/or me just being stupid (probably the latter). I've just come to the glade to mix the potion to help the blacksmith, but I can't figure out how. It won't let me do anything with the old pot, whether I'm standing adjacent to the tree stump or not. If I click on the spell, it just gives an error sound. If I select it in the Grimoire, I can see the spell, but it won't let me do anything with it. It seems I should be using the pot first, but it doesn't seem to let me. Sorry if this is a repeated question, but I didn't want to read too many other questions for fear of spoilers.


Hey, long time, no see!

Oh my, oh my, oh my!!