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A member registered May 09, 2022 · View creator page →

Recent community posts

holly shit! 

This game is sooo dead, RIP

Oh, it worked, didn't see that thing, I play in android, and I thought the quest tab was just one, thx

PS: I really want to see more updates, this game is awesom

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Ok, I’m stuck, I keep getting the “explore the office” quest, but I talked to everyone there, checked the computer, and don’t get any progress, I dunno what to do

How do I trigger the Uraraka room event?

Thak you all guys, I couldn't find those spots, I love hentai game community

I bouht the CD, the paper cups, and the binoculars, but I can't find where and when to use any of these :c


You've got to be kidding me


I really hope that this game gets an update, It´s been a while after all

My laptop says the software could be dangerous to my PC, 

Why´s that?

I had to be smart enough, to answer the dumbest, wow


I get stucked at that part when Uraraka starts with her bj services

When is 7.0 public release?

puedes ir al centro comercial y conseguirla ahí

(1 edit)

You need to get the googles from Mei, and go outside the mall, your welcome