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A member registered Dec 03, 2016

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I know that there is now a patch out, but it doesn't completly fix it, if you enter photo mode while you are being built it will continue playing the music until you enter the arena

yeah the random upgrade challenge is weird, I don't have a picture but once I started with a sword and then got two energy capacity upgrades and 5 clones

this happened in the random upgrade challenge on the bridge level, I died but had a clone, then immediatly after I died, (before I respawned) the last guy died, then it crashed as I entered the elevator

I actually don't know how it happened, but I shot of his head with a regular bow without any upgrades and then this happened

When I got to gold 7 in hammer only, the last level in the inferno challenge came up, which is kinda strange because comment-a-tron and analysis bot always says it shows up in the diamond tier.

I think I kicked the guy in there, then i realised you could walk there as shown in the video

If you spam the attack button while opening upgrade bot you will swing while upgrading

It's very easy to do.

Litteraly just walk.

you don't need any specific upgrades, but it is faster with kick.

I don't know how to explain but here is a video

Ok I guess I justdidn't understand then.

Sandbox mode:

You basicly create your own level. You can unlock new items to place down by getting to a certain point in endless mode.