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Geist Hack Games

A member registered Jan 02, 2019 · View creator page →

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Version 1.1 has bookmarks. Otherwise, the game content is the same. 

I appreciate you taking the time to comment :)

Now with bookmarks, as well as a reduced price!

Many thanks, Thorsten 🙏

(3 edits)

Hey, thank you!

As for the crit roll, it is 2d6; 1d6 for wounds and 1d6 for location. 

The 7+ result exists to accommodate a second or subsequent roll on the Critical Injuries table, which would be rolled with a +3. This is mentioned in the text after the table.

This is to simulate the situation going bad, fast. 

Hope that helps?

(1 edit)

Thanks for the kind words and the purchase!

If I can try and answer your questions -

1. The characters are assumed to be assorted good-for-nothings, survivors, hustlers and opportunists. If you are using the Backgrounds, that's what they used to do, or be, before they banded together as a group. Characters like this are hired because they're disposable and deniable. They do the dangerous stuff that bad people/orgs won't risk their preferred employees and assets for.

2. Jobs or missions usually come from someone who wants something. For example, a local Nexus may have heard about a drone going down in a rough part of the city and will pay the team to retrieve it for them. The owners of the drone will also be looking for it (criminals? a corporation?). What data is stored in the drone that makes it so desirable? The Nexus could use others to do the job, but won't risk valuable allies and won't want to pay much, hence contacting the PCs. The someone could also be a corporate representative or a criminal kingpin. 

There's a little job generator in my Augmented Reality City Kit (which is PWYW, so grab it for free if you like). When I start a campaign, I always make sure that there's a few street-level contacts for the team who will want to make use of their skills for pay or favours.

3. The lore is scattered throughout the game text. The Backgrounds imply certain facts about the world, such as the existence of cloning technology, pop-up wars, orbital habitats, life extensions for the wealthy, robotics, androids and holography. The gear and augment lists suggest a number of dominant corporations exist. The Flow locations also suggest a lot about the world, albeit on a more local level, but there's mention of transhumance terrorists, foreign cartels, music scenes, hypermedia, gang wars, robot-cabs, etc. My idea was to supply just enough in the way of cool cyberpunk concepts to make the game buzz, but leave plenty of room for GMs to make worlds of their own - include the stuff you like and add in as much as you want. Any of the ideas in the game could be transplanted to a real-world location like LA, London, Pretoria, or Tokyo, in the dark future.

I hope that helps?

Yeah, gave you an incorrect email 😂

It’s oranjzicht01(at)gmail(dot)com  Doh!

(1 edit)

Can you email me more details at oranjzicht(at)gmail(dot)com


Much appreciated!

Thank you! 

And will prove useful for any cyberpunk or near future game. ;)

Many thanks! I hope you enjoy it.

Foundry VTT version now available here:


Now available in print from DTRPG, too:

Thanks for the kind words! More gaming content to come. ;)

Thank you!

Thank you kindly!

Thank you for your support! I’m really pleased with my little book and hope you are too. 

Thanks! :) 

Physical books are available at



Great chatting to earlier! ;)

New content on the blog - adding Expertise to the Backgrounds from the Booster Pack:

A blog post about adding Expertise to the Backgrounds:

They sound great! Very interested in Burn Out, obviously, as any cyberpunk is my jam.

GM simply states they’re attacking, and how eg: The corporate guard quickly draws his sidearm.

The roll is player facing. They succeed in the Action Roll and injure the NPC, or they fail and the PC is injured. Eg: Said corporate guard levels his firearm and fires or the PC gets their shot off before the guard does.

interested in hearing more about your hack!

Aw, thank you. Project is going well, just busy with real life (always the way). But sooooon! :)

it’s mostly the tables not making the cut. I didn’t want the book to be mainly vehicle stuff.

it is indeed.

I’m working on an omnibus edition, primarily for print-on-demand, which combines the SG rules, the booster pack, the plug-in pack and with some of the vehicle rules from Metal Express. Pages are being re-ordered so it makes sense, rather than just stitching the current pdfs together. There’s extra content going in too, including a city setting.

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Combined and POD edition is a little delayed as I’m cramming in a bunch of extra content, so please bear with me! :)

Yes indeed! It’s almost there, so sometime in the next few weeks. :)

And thank you!

Cool! Not on Twitter but I am on Discord - search for Paul 'Geist' Gallagher#2873

Looking forward to being onboard. 👍

Thanks for reaching out! I’d be very interested in taking part.  What do you need me to do?

(2 edits)

Yeah. It’s mentioned in the Plug-In Pack that it’s totally optional.

When I run it, I use it if NPCs initiate hostilities or use ambush tactics, but you don’t need to do that. It’s just there if you want it.

A better way would be to let the PCs get a Reaction vs enemy DS Action Roll to ‘dodge’ in the first instance if the NPCs kick off, assuming the PCs don’t want to just go on the attack. If they fail said Reaction roll, they take the difference in damage from the first strike (as standard).

I’ll make it clearer in the combined POD edition (currently in progress).

Now with working bookmarks!

Thanks HyveMynd! :)

Main Sprawl Goons: Upgraded rules:

Booster Pack out now!

That looks amazing! Great job! I love the sample characters.

Yes, of course! And thanks for the write-up on your blog! :)

Quality hardcopies are also available from Lulu: