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A member registered Mar 03, 2018

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This is very cool and exactly what I hoped for.  Special thanks for the GM commentary!

I purchased CHC a couple of weeks ago and I really, really like it. Not only is it one of very few games about a modern day crime enterprises, the whole theme is outstanding!

However, I have a couple of questions / remarks:

1) I still have a bit of trouble to wrap my head around how a campaign could look like, emulating episodes of tv series we all know. Is there an ,actual play, example somewhere either in writing or youtube etc? If not, is something like that planned?

2) While there are some TV series that would fit perfectly to this game (sons of anarchy comes to mind). A lot of the series that seem to have inspired this game actually have protagonists that are not necessarily organized in a ,gang, / crew like organisation, but deal with parterships of two or a family (e.g. Breaking Bad, Ozark) - Do you guys have any suggestions on tweaks to the game or the playbooks to emulate something like this?