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A member registered Aug 12, 2020

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Hi! I wanted to know if there was a way to play the dlc if i already bought it on steam? I can play it on my pc, of course, but I'd also adore to play it on the go on my phone. Is that feasible?

Hi! I was wondering whether you'd ever put out a guide for the different endings? I've bee  attempting to get the kouya bad ending and haven't managed it yet... no matter how much i think I'm picking the wrong choices, it all turns out alright in the end. Which isn't what I'm looking for.

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hmm... i've managed to get every ending other than six and ten, are there any tips you'd be willing to offer?

The game was amazing! The only thing I would change, is to add a system that keeps track of which endings you got (and to name the endings!) because i'm an idiot and keep forgetting what endings i ran through! xD