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A member registered Oct 05, 2021

Recent community posts

The text on android needs to be addressed. Flip it to white and that would be so much better. 

That was my bad mate, had to go a layer deeper didn't realize all good now. ^.^

Not sure why I'm getting this error followed instructions. The rpa  was 1.79gb. playing on a fold 4 if that helps.

Fair enough, thanks for reaching out. I am looking forward to Lillys date such a little cutie.

Great game, cant wait to see more , loving the content. Suggestion to the great dev. Possibly moving the sleep to Saturday to Friday instead. That way we have more opitunity to aquire some cute panties. 

Thats fantastic to hear. I look forward to seeing more of what your team has to offer in the coming updates. 

I did notice quite a bit less voice acting in act 5. Is that just becuase your team has not yet recorded the interactions as of yet, or are you guys waiting till your complete with act 5 and then going back to voice stuff. I'm just curious as to how you plan that out with your voice actors. ^.^ 

Again cheers to your great team for all the hard work you all do to bring a very unique story together for us. 

Really enjoing replaying this after all the updates been following the project since the start of act 2. I was wondering if we will see a bit more interaction with some of the side characters in upcoming versions. I rather enjoyed the spunky red head, Enid. Would like to see a bit more with her. Along with the Nun and Maid girl. All of them peaked my interest as there could definitely have real meaningful stories. Like with the Maid girl what if the dragon came back for her and not the princess, to make the girl that he first meet/lusted with be his consort or a personal maid. The Nun I liked her art style and would have been a yummy treat in more than one sence of the word. Lastly Enid, you can make that commitment to her when you see her the second time. Why not follow that route further.

Overall this game is a gem.

Voice acting: 10/10 For what is there, you get a true treat and see these characters come to life.

Story writing: 10/10 The different routes the story can take will have you replaying this game many times.

Art/Music:10/10 Each scene is hand crafted and you can see the artist took great care and pride in what they were doing.

Coding: 10/10 I have never had this game crash on me once. No broken scences great job.

Things I would like to see in the future.

Expansion on minor characters.

A bit more freedom like in act 3 and 4.

I happily support this game in both mobile and PC versions. 

Cheers for the whole team.