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A member registered Jun 01, 2022

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Overall good demo. The movement of the robot felt smooth. the puzzles were fun and some of the later ones did make me have that "ah-ha" moment, but I did accidentally slove some of the earlier ones by just testing out what the elements did. I did get stuck on the last level, however, I'm not good at puzzle games so if the levels individually are optional then having puzzles above my level, or ones I can return to later for "keys" is probably a good thing.

Here is some specific feedback, I noted in which level I found them but most are applicable to more than just the level I first noticed 

level - Lift up:

Jumping platforms are awkward. There is no way to jump down them. Having to jump up 4 times for something that feels like a sort of distance feels cumbersome

When you jump on one there is the initial "puff" from jumping then an additional jumping puff when you pass the platform, then finally a puff from landing on the platform, this makes it look like the robot is making an additional jump when it passes the platform but that's not the case.

The magnet force deleter looks unintuitive in what it does. Perhaps something which kills the magnet's magnetic power before it vanishes. Additionally, if you had to manually push a button to get the magnet back, it could form a bond with the magnet like the companion cubes in the portal

level- weights and pull me: 

In the L-shaped one way, if you change direction immediately after going through it, it won't let you through and you have to back up and walk through it again for it to work

level - blocked by the block: 

The magnet slides immediately really quickly down the slope. looks off with the robot's very slow glide down. There also needs to be a ramp-up in speed feels off when it goes at 100% speed the second it hits the slope

I don't like the look or feel of the switch button 

Having the switch polarity button be F, means it feels awkward if you have to quickly go right after switching polarity

The impact when you hit something with the magnet feels good


the pipes you throw the magnets into then something happens feels really satisfying, although the pipes do look out of place 


"enter" should be the confirmation button instead of "space"