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A member registered Jan 23, 2024

Recent community posts

Love the new update, it's almost a whole new game

Very fun, but very buggy
-XP glitch that lags out the game

-Enemies not spawning

-Enemy numbers going into the negatives

-After pressing space immediately on a new run, the next time you touch the water, you will die


I am the proud owner ofbullets

Found a glitch where if you die at the same time as you finish a level, the Game Over screen stays on your screen but you can continue to play. Overall though, pretty cool game.

I think the ability to change controls would be a great workaround to it. Also, thanks for the info on red darts!

Great game, would love to see better player 2 controls. Cannot for the life of me understand the red dart

You should activate windows

Great game, needs a discord server

Thank you!

Color me confused

Usually, just Corpse Sword breaks it for me.

This game is pretty good, but I have found a few glitches, most of them listed below. However, one I did find is if an enemy goes too far below 0 health, the health of the enemy becomes NaN, making them completely invincible. Please fix this, as the game is really fun and it's a shame when you lose a run to this.

The game looks great and is overall fun, but stopping to consume corpses isn't great, especially with how many enemies build up