Fern <3
Very beautiful and fun demo <3
beautiful demo, i love jim <3
tom <3
teddy <3
Comfy game, 404 is such an endearing character <3
I love the demo, i can't wait for more! 11/10 cozy (and scary) <3
I love the first chapter, can't wait for more!
Jack Frost is so sweet, I love him <3
Alastor my beloved <3
I got all the endings! Leumin is so cute <3
🎵I need a hero🎵🎵I'm holding out for a hero 'til the end of the night🎵🎵He's gotta be strong, and he's gotta be fast🎵🎵And he's gotta be fresh from the fight🎵
Excellent work, I love Binary Star so much <3
Beautiful demo, can't for more! <3
Also, is there a patreon for this game by chance?
gavril <3
The "The End" ending made me cry a little. Aw Nick <3
Very fun demo. Also the animated image of Nicolae just carrying people as a tiny bat is too cute <3
Very nice and short game! Azram is such an interesting character, very charming <3
Fun demo, can't wait for the full version. Crow is such an adorable lettuce :3c
comfy demo and chester is so sweet <3
Stranger my beloved <3
Fun game, the "promised" ending is my favorite :3
I happened to be coincidentally eating salmon while M/C was also having a salmon dinner. Very immersive XD
Nice demo, I love Jacob so much <3 Can't wait for the full game to come out :D
maison my beloved <3
Fun demo, can't wait for more :D
So fun, I love the art style and writing <3
Nice demo, can't wait for more <3
hatchet man, my beloved!
Dated all characters, they're all my favorites and I look forward to more chapters. 11/10, love this game.