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A member registered Nov 17, 2019 · View creator page →

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Thank you for letting me know, it is good to know to fix it   (-_-")  I had not noticed, I uploaded it in a zip, so you can try to play ...

was, very fast and hard XDXD was so funny

Crazy and original mechanic, is so funny

*insert gratitude comment here* XDXD

I liked that you liked, thanks you 😁😁

pls, come in to the show

Thank you ;)

To me like that was funny, thanks you :)

(1 edit)

thanks you, I like the feedback ;)))))), and for you can finished the game, you can try to the fridge side

Come in to the Show:

I like mechanic, like a full game with more levels and mechanics, can be amazing a challenging game

meow meowesong

C: 1000*thanks

Jajajaja, was amazing hard, is crazy and very fun idea

Is Funny

Perfect, i will to work on all this builds, Windows, MacOS and Linux

think on my game, am use GLES 3 3D enviroment features of godot 3.4 , and, i can't use this features on web builds, so, i would so like use all game engine power for show all that is possible on this, like a volumetric plugin, or GI probes, there will be no others alternatives for streamers can choise plataform builds game for the streams?