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A member registered Jan 04, 2023

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Great game. Quite short, but this is a great start.

BTW, there is interesting bug: you can complete the game as a virgin (sex count 0), but at the same time get raped by all the creatures possible. You just escape and finish everything yourself.

It doesn't work. I installed launcher and it's just loading. I watched that loading circle for hour. But game is nice, really. I've played it much earlier and liked it. My respect to author.  And ,please, let owners of PC somehow enjoy new versions of the game.

Great game. Unfortunately, short, but I believe, that completed game will be perfect. Elements of RPG, right of choise (which is missing in most games like this) and uncensored content make this game one of the best and one, that you just cannot stop playing. Respect to developer and hope on his (her) patience on continuing project.