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Osama Deep

A member registered Aug 02, 2015 · View creator page →

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Thank you for vising my game, I hope you enjoyed! 

اللعبة جميلة ، إستمتعت بلعب كل المراحل، لكن موضوع التعليق على الحواف مزعج قليلاً، عجبني تنوع الأعداء، إنجاز ممتاز في 3 أيام، يعطيكم العافية

dont kill small group of enemies, you need to kill +10 to get Drop from it, and you need the Purple  item to make new bullet beside the one you collect.

dont kill small group of enemies, you need to kill +10 to get Drop from it, and you need the Purple  item to make new bullet beside the one you collect.

funny game, i used sword and it got broken in 1 shot XD

very cool idea, good luck.

cool game, Good luck!

very nice idea, you need to think better before mode, Good luck!

cool game, first it hard to detect the correct path, but when you understand it well it come better. Good luck!


thank you, i will try to see if the new control works better.

شكراً لك، بالنسبة للتحريك هو لا يتحرك على زاويته، لأنه بالنهاية ينظر إلى موقع الكاميرا، بالتالي الأنسب إن يتحرك بالنسبة للعالم بدلاً النسبة له

شكراً لك، سيتم تعديل الموسيقى إن شاء الله

Thanks you!

one of the best games I've played in this Game jam, very nice idea, 5/5!

Arts and sound is so cool, but as others said, there is some problem in colliders, also sometimes bullet didnt kill any. Good luck!

arts is STUNNING! but some times i got stuck with invisible collider and i cannot move, also i notice that there is some delay in controls, its pleasure to try your game, good luck!

الرسومات ممتازة، لكن لم أفهم فكرة اللعبة، لأني أبقى ضاغط ويستمر بالسير إلى اليمين، ولا يحدث شيء آخر؟

nice retro arts, maybe if you add indicator for the ghost and make it more faster. Good luck!

فعلاً، شكراً لك

اللعبة قصيرة، وهناك تعليق عندما يلامس الجدار، محاولة جيدة، أتمنى لكم التوفيق

I really love this game, have potential, great arts and sound, keep going! 

great art, nice sounds, and it get addictive after first try, need quick action :D

(1 edit)

happens to me as well, seem its common problem.

بعد الموجو الأولى السلاح يفرغ من الرصاص، 

محاولة جيدة أتمنى لك التوفيق

تم تقييم اللعبة، أتمنى منك إذا سمح لك وقتك أن تجرب لعبتي وتقيمها

as usual, Great game, NEED MORE LEVELS!


الأصوات لازم تأخذ 10 من 5 

اللعبة حلوة وجميلة لكن يبغالها ريستارت بعد المحاولة الأولى لأنه ما يعيد كل شي

التحكم في البداية غير واضح لكن بعد عدة ضغطات وجدناه

الرسومات جميلة، والفكرة حلوة ، الله يعطيكم العافية

i didnt get it, until i try it again :D, you are talent in this kind of games, Game of story ;p

any yes, your voice is great, glad to hear it!

very good game, First to go kill all enemy and then back to get the fire ;p, Good luck!

polished game, great gameplay, worth to win the jam, good luck!

very nice puzzle game. i cannot pas level 8 :p

Actually when you boost the bullet, size went from 0.2 to 0.4, so you have bigger effect radius, but seem I must boost it to 1, thank you for your feeckback, i will try to make it better.

thank you for your feedback, the idea to collect group of enemies [+10] so you can got drop from it, but as you mention, it seem that need to time modify.

awesome Arts, nice idea, I didn't get the first game from 1st time, but it clear from 2nd time,  polished game, good luck! my high score is 69.

Thank you!

thank you for your feedback, its my fault I didn't clear that in-game, i will solve this later ISA.

as always, you come with awesome idea, good job!