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Pyro Interactive

A member registered Nov 13, 2022

Recent community posts

ooh cool!

i understand, but would you allow me to try to make it myself? it will take probably a month or so to get it working and if runs fine, you can have the code to do as you please since i'd only be making it to play with my friends in my private server!

only with your permission though!

if that's about the Drainfly, you should walk up to the Church of Qir (in the Tech Boulevard area) and talk to Corpi and purchase a Chitterspeech skill item, then go to the buy skill tab and buy it from there so it becomes permanent. and then you try to talk to her and new options will appear. then inspect her and keep talking to her until you convince her. just buying the chitterspeech item didn't work for me for it didn't appear on my item's list.

hey there! i'm new here, thus i only created an account to ask if there's any updates for the get fired mission? i'm dying to progress on the story

i still haven't figured this site out, so if there' already an update i must've not seen it...

even though most ppl might get dragged into the game first for the adult theme, this game is a masterpiece worth every hour spent without sleep! (played it so much i got sick and had to spend a few days in bed to recover)

do you plan on making it a local multiplayer game? it would be awesome to be able to fight friends etc... i'm hosting it on a private server so i can play with my friend and seeing how good the save/load system is, i see a good possibility to make this work for local multiplayer. you wouldn't need to worry about cheaters in the game since somewhat advanced users could use this possibility to enrich their RP experience. also i'm still lvl 85 thus also avoided reading through the code not to spoil stuff i still didn't discover, but does it keeps on expanding? it would be awesome if after you reach certain levels you had the option to earn titles for your char, like in the case of somebody's level reach like 200 or whenever no enemy in the game could beat the player...

there are plenty of ways that could be done and we wouldn't need to worry about lag at all, but it would certainly expand the amount of data to be inserted in the cookie and you can just ignore some infos from  the other player in local mp not to give away all his stats, unless the player has higher inspect skill level than the other. sorry for the bible i wrote tho, i got so many ideas i'd love to see implemented in the future! keep up the awesome work!