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A member registered Feb 03, 2023 · View creator page →

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Just played the game, 

Loved it! A ton of content, don't let these random comments take you down, take as much time as you can to deliver!

Also from us muscle lovers, it would be INSANELY good if you added with muscles pecs growth and not breasts, just to show some love for us pecs lovers!


Great stuff, And I love the variety with the girls, especially Jana.

 I would love if you added a bit stronger pecs for us pecs lover! 

Clicked for Lifa stayed for the story, really nicely made! Also we need more Lifa spice!

Damn that was fast, great stuff for starters, also love the fact you can toggle breasts on and off since everyone has it's own taste!(..khm..Pecs will always be Superior!)

Great game loved it! Just curious if in future updates there will be even more of a variety of girls, would love to see some muscular ones aswell!

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Woo, concept looks great!

Can't wait for what you got in store!

Yeah, it gotten very popular just to be abandoned for a long time but a couple weeks ago they released an update sayin how its not abandoned and they are working on it, somethin like that, not really catching up with that.

Hmm, have you thought about joining some discords for people with similar interests, if you share your vision there I believe many would follow. A lot of Discords have channels about promotions of other games, quite wholesome actually, try FMG World, Ginas Gym, Bayshore Academy, and also DeviantArt groups. 

and honestly if you managed to pump this out in only a few weeks by yourself, I can only imagine what you could do with a couple peeps more. I guess I can help aswell if you ever need ideas or some art also.

I'll also post a promo of your game character on my Deviant Art and Twitter if that's fine with you!

Oh, my man...where to begin. I played most of the FMG games, and honestly it's up to you what you like. 

I noticed a patern also with people liking main characters that start of frail skinny weak, helpless bla bla you know and then as they gain muscle and strength their personality changes more on a dominant side. 

Also start of with a small open story that you will slowly expand through updates, for example take Sarah, a girl you met and the library picking up dumbells and you go to the gym with her to help her train, so she doesnt become immediately buff, you are with her through the process of it and you both love it...(pervy scene right there).

Also with you meeting new people, rivals, enemies etc.

It's your world play with it, open up a patreon and ask the subscribers what they want aswell(for me futa option would be neat)

Also change the description of the game a bit, give a small intro when you open

And play some other fmg games to find more inspiration.

You already got the skills to make a good game now all you need is to release that pervy mind!

Good luck! 

I was surprised how good this beginning was, no bugs pretty straightforward, lacks more content but the game is fairly new so that's not a problem. Really enjoyed it and im very curious to what you are planning next!

Is there going to be a Fetish added orienting around muscles and fmg?

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There's so much content! Pretty rare since these projects tend to get abandoned pretty early on. I'll gladly support the Patreon, also would love to see more of Mia.

Ps. Loved the Jojo Reference!

The day we get an Android version will be like Christmas Morning!

We need more strong girls! Also loving the game, kudoos!!

Well there is no endgame yet, it just runs out of content as you are aware of if you played it.

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Still worth your while takes a solid 30min to 1hr to beat and its pretty fun. Give it a try

It's great, and with continuing updates I's only gonna get even better.

You can see the hard work the devs put in!

The game came along Beautiful. Definitely reccomend it to everyone who is looking into an fmg game!


The Story is great. But the characters are even better!

Absolute 10/10 game

Kanathar is deffinitely my favoruite, would love to see his story develop some more!