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A member registered Apr 21, 2021 · View creator page →

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Game was invented before hampter :(

Yeah sorry. At the moment I can only compile on platforms that I have. (I have Linux and Windows, but no Mac/iOS)

I would build for Mac (and iPhone in the near future), but doing stuff with Apple just cost too much money.

Very fair, honestly.

I'll make a mobile Idle Orbs game, don't worry (:


LET'S GOOO. I beat it in 26:33! Beat that!!!

Huh, didn't know I had such dedicated fans. lol

Very good question... Um.... Sadly I have no answer lol


So I make money

Besides the GUI being kinda cramped, this game is pretty cool! I love the graphics!

(1 edit)

Wait, didn't I do that already?
Nevermind lol, I didn't. It's been so long since I've touched the game, but perhaps I'll get around to it.

Pretty good game. I see a lot of potential!


It technically doesn't go above 30 fps. It will just say "2000 fps" because it times the main event loop and translated that into fps

You have to delete your save file where ever your OS stored it. On windows it's somewhere like "C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\" but I don't remember the specific details

I don't know. All I know is that one of them makes sandwiches.

Ah, good try.

I mean... it was made in 7 minutes. Not sure what you expected lol. Of course it's "not great"


Yeah, lol. I would too

Yeah, I want to, but I don't know what I should use or where I would find some free songs

... "finally"? lol

You need to break enough layers in the wall (100)

Nice :)

(1 edit)

Hey, maybe they're new? Seems like the kind of thing I would ask a year ago lol. I'm getting the update now (on linux) and I just run different .jar/executable file for the different versions.

Click distance from player

I suppose it doesn't remove the Earth then something happens. I just keeps removing the Earth over and over again

You're welcome


Well, if you guys are having fun playing Idle Orbs 2, then you'll probably be excited to hear Idle Orbs 3 is coming out soon (If all goes to according to plan)

I know. Couldn't be me

Ay yo, link me

I don't what's going on. But, I love the energy!

If I can figure out how to replicate this error then I'll fix it asap. Can you give me more info on your OS, browser, and other info that might be helpful?


you can also click the text saying to press e

Indeed, very

Hey thanks. Yeah, he is

This is a really nice game! I love the unique time theme, very creative! Though, some things like the sound effects being messed up and the speed upgrades seemingly doing nothing after about 10 purchases made it less enjoyable. But, not by much. I rate this game.... a 7.5/10.