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A member registered May 29, 2021

Recent community posts

Hello first time here, wanting to play the game and wanting to download it. But it may seem that I can't find the download button and While I was reading the comment's it may seem that the downloaded version has some bugs here and there, Is the downloadable version gone because it is improved? (Wanting to support this game because it look's pretty frickin GREAT!)

Are there any more scenes other than the ones in the gallery? And is it true that some of the scenes with the monster girls aren't done yet? I hope they don't add Beastiality sheyt like 10 BRUH INCHES COK! I don't want to want to see my friend's getting that 馃ぎsheyt. But who am I to tell them what to do. I will just stop supporting them if that happens it's not like I'm someone important. Still liked it though thanks Devs Nice Job! 馃槏馃憤