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A member registered Feb 04, 2022

Recent community posts

1. Did believing you could play this only once impact how you made decisions? 

yeess , it made me think twice before making a decision

2. What do SAL and Ash look like in your mind? Did you mentally assign a gender to either or both characters?

WELL, in  Ash is a slender tall man in a lab coat , messy violet hair , sleepy tiered eyes . and for SAL I imagined her at first as a female humanoid  

3. What choices did you make? How did your game end?

it ended very nicely way better than I expected :D , they talked about SAL getting a body and so . 

4. What did you like and dislike about this game?

I LOVE THE WAY THEY THINK AND HOW SAL KEPT COUNTING THE SECONDS ITS SO ADORABLE <3 ,omg and when he said "I don't love you for what you're not , ok? " I JUST JSHFKAGFJKAGSD , I did not dislike anything actually maybe just the fact that I get to play it once  

5. How did this game make you feel?

loved?, idk , the way Ash cared about SAL made  me feel somehow loved

6. Do you want to see these characters again? What would you want to see in a follow-up?

YESSS PLEASE maybe some angst but this time Ash's POV.

7. What predictions do you have for SAL and Ash's relationship? Where do you see it going?

As much as I hate to say that .... for some reason I imagine it end tragically :(

8. Any other things you want to mention?

only that I like this game more than I expected :D, also you're a great writer !! keep going <3