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A member registered Apr 18, 2022 · View creator page →

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This was amazing for how short it was. I didn't know about anything relating to The PCM until this, so I assumed it would be just another strange survival horror, but it managed to hook me in quite well. Although I kinda poke fun at some of the things in it, I did really enjoy playing it and definitely look forward to playing more of your games.

A lot more creepy than I expected it to be. Overall, it was a fun experience that I didn't expect. I don't think I did some of the puzzles correctly, but I made it to the end. I would say that the end "fight" could have been more interesting as I kinda just ran with no real fear of getting caught, but it did look cool. I didn't know this character existed before playing this and another game so I don't know anything about him and if this is a accurate portrayal of him but it was cool nonetheless.This game starts at the 4 minute mark.