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A member registered Sep 07, 2021 · View creator page →

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Cool, looking forward to it & good luck!

Pretty fun when playing casually! The sfx when the bricks get smashed by the ball was funny lol. Played this several times, but not sure if I could reach Level 2. My best score is 200.
Some feedback is when the ball returns back and hits into either side of the paddle, it angles down than back up more often than not. This leads to the game ending quickly. The speed of the ball is a tad fast, but it's minor imo.

Thanks! Mhm small games may be short & sweet, but still good in their own way 🎉

Lots of clicking, but worth it to see the different frog species in the game— pretty fun!

(1 edit)

Yeah of course, keep it up— can't wait to see what else you'll make in the future! 🌻✨

This game makes me smile, soo cute and relaxing! Really like the different growing flower stages after planting the seed. 

Love how soothing the sound effects are & the Earth's moving animation, very nice! 

Ahh thank you!