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A member registered Jun 09, 2019 · View creator page →

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This update should be compatible with 0.3.0. The players on 0.3.0 do not see the new colours

Multiplayer is not perfect on windows, sometimes it just refuses to connect. Even using wine on linux shows this bug.

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Oh that would have been very helpful to know, I will give it another try then :)

Visually impressive, the puzzles are really fun and the story is pretty wacky. I couldn't get to the end since when I got to certain part pertaining a big fish I must have clicked a dialog line too fast and it couldn't play any more dialog. Very fun game tho :)

That was pretty engaging for a clicker game! Loved the ending :). I tried to run the linux build however and could not get it to run on my machine, someting about the packed file not loading? I just ran the windows version using wine and it worked.

I like it, gameplay is fast and the visuals look so funny being hand drawn

I agree, sometimes I felt to slow on the way up to try and get a bubble I missed

Just wanted to say that we did not finish the game on time but the car honks. It was supposed to be that you would get points for breaking traffic laws but it everything took too long to make and we needed a lot more time. Also this was my first time making a game in godot so I don't think it went too bad. Hope you enjoy our little prototype.

I uploaded a version that needs no dependencies, but it's a little larger so yeah.

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I'll release a new version with everything self-contained to see if it works better

Edit: Well I can't, you need .NET 5.0 runtime to run the game, quite unfortunate

Oh maybe you're missing .NET stuff?

It's so goooooooood, the new levels and the improved UI update make it so fricking good. Hope the android build comes out too.

No tutorial but you can get the hang of it in a second