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one flying squid

A member registered Dec 21, 2023

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Thank you so much!

Hi! I found Decker trough Wiggly paint and was immediately interested. I've downloaded it and have been playing doctor frankesntein by dissecting other people's work to understand how everything works. I have always been a fan of point and click games and this seems like the perfect tool for me to give making one a try! However, I am not the best at coding and even the written guide (super helpful and well organized, may I say) leaves me in the dark sometimes, so I have this one question flowing around my head: If i want to create an invisible button on top of a picture of an object (like a photograph laid on a shelf, for example) and want a field with the description to appear as I click it, do I have to create a new card with the exact same layout but with the added field or is there a way to make the field appear when I click the button and make it dissapear when I click another button or even the same one? I'm aware of the "alert" command, and it is useful and might just give me a way out, but the text appearing every single time right in the middle of the screen just seems like a bit too much in some cases. Thanks a lot for the amazing programm and sorry for the long text. ヾ(•ω•`)o