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Omanu Studio

A member registered Jun 17, 2024 · View creator page →

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:0 this is a first! But maybe it's the same as the fence bug. I'll try to see what could be happening and Thank you for playing <3 

Didnt think about that. I'll have apply it in the future! Thank you! and Thank you for playing :3

yeah!! that happened while they were on twitch but it's a really rare case so we were not aware of it :(. Anyway thank you for playing <3

Thank you so much for playing <3 

Really cool game and a good implementation for it :3

Thank you!! Really happy thet you enjoy it! We came out with this idea and then we noticed that it helps to get the difficulty up by itself xD

Happy that you liked it! :3

Thank you so much!! Yes I'llplay and rate you game!

I think that could be a good idea instead of zooming the camera 🤔. Thank you for playing!!

Thank you so much! Happy that you enjoyed it

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Indeed we did that, but I think the time is too short for some situations 😅. thank you for playing

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I think you could get more reviews if pleople could play it on the browser.  I can see that you have browser version available. Hope this could help

I really liked this game! I saw it when they played it on the stream and I was like "I have to try this one"

Really cool idea! It reminded me a bit to overcooked. And everything is really cute

Really cool idea and the art... I LOVE IT

The game looks really cool! I tried playing it alone and feels really nice and smooth

Fun game! Really cool idea :3

Good art an a different idea! cool!

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I really like the style and the areas but the mechanics are a bit wierd to me. But overall really good game :3

Great game! really good art too :3

Very good idea :3

yeah for some reason the download button was not there but I changed that so people with that same issue could play it on windowns

I really liked it! cool concept! I feel a bit anoyed that the yarn doesnt complete the path but I think that's on me

I love this artstyle!!

Hey! We just created our first indie game! And yours assets were a big part of it!
Thank you so so much!