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Your reasons make total sense. I definitely saw some people who said they felt tricked when Haru turned out to be a boy as opposed to a girl so I get you trying to change that to make people happier. And yes with the thousands of different ways people have recommended you change their story I can 100% understand why it would be impossible to come up with 1 solution that would please everyone. 

As long as what you choose in the end makes you happy and content I think the game will be amazing. :)

This story has so much charm and genuine human effort put into it that I couldn’t help but love it. Again good luck with finishing the remake. :3

I played through what is available so far and I’d have to say it’s pretty good. I enjoyed the original so far from the parts I’ve played. But I have a few critiques of it 

1. The grammatical and other wise spelling errors - I found a few instances of this while playing and though it doesn’t hugely affect the reading it’s a bit confusing on occasion. Like how the MC says “Tachiba!” when Yuta approaches her outside the arcade it left me a bit confused on what his last name actually was or if this was a shortening but it’s corrected by properly putting Tachibana at the end of their conversation. There are a few other instances of similar things to this happening when it comes to tenses including a few uses of has when it should be have. But overall not a huge issue just a small one.

2. Haru and her/his gender - I know the creator got a lot of flax for there portrayal of Haru’s gender in the original game so I believe the changes made this time are put in place to best use the critiques people left on the original game to better improve the remake. But coming from someone that’s LGBTQ this portrayal sadly still misses the mark. I haven’t gotten to Haru’s route in the original yet since I just finished Yuta’s but from what I heard their genders portrayal didn’t seem like a huge problem to me. In fact it even reminds me a bit of the anime Maid Sama. But some people were upset that it seemed as if Haru had changed to being male presenting because Aya which I just don’t think is true. But I don’t see the remake as doing much better. The surprise confession thing just seemed odd and out of place as did Haru’s sudden declaration of them being a biological male. It just seems out of character and an overall odd situation. Though this game odiously isn’t meant to really  represent how actually people act I still find this part odd and out of place. I know this creator isn’t trying to upset anyone and is just trying to make a portrayal to best loving represent Haru but I think this whole scene didn’t need to be in the prologue and could instead be something they (Haru) separately tell the MC (and possibly Ichigo) at a later more vulnerable moment as opposed to their reaction to a love confession. Overall I love Haru as a character is this remake already and I’m excited to see where they go.

In conclusion I’m super hopeful for this game’s release and I hope that the game can keep its uniqueness and charm while at the same time doing a good at job tackling the sensitive subject matter. Best wishes to the creator on all future endeavours and the eventual release of this wonderful game. :) :3