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Okay Then Games

A member registered Apr 07, 2021 · View creator page →

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Well, that is a softlock. Sorry about that. I'll try to ensure that the same does not occur in my future projects.


Okay I did


I believe your suspicions are correct. Good luck with what remains.


(1 edit)

Unfortunately, comments don't seem to support spoiler tags, so I can't say here. However, you can use the hint guide (link in description, I just added it).


Thank you! Though I do believe you forgot to change the genre in the video description (Teal isn't a horror game)


Thank you for the feedback; glad you've enjoyed my game!

I'm glad the level design and visual style seem to have worked cohesively.

I recognize that I'm not always good at judging the difficulty of puzzles; sorry about that.

Thanks for the YT video as well.


Thank you very much for the feedback!

I recognize that the walk speed may be a little too slow. I'll be sure to take that into account for future projects.

Also, that's not a softlock. You can jump and grab the box (hit X when you're at about the same position relative to the box as you would be normally).

I hope you enjoy the rest of the game!